Just sharing my thoughts on my journey towards spiritual, personal, and professional growth. We're never sure where life is taking us or how diffucult the road may be to get there. But I'm trusting God to bloom what he has planted as long as I am faithful to water the garden.
Friday, September 2, 2011
Covering up the Mess
I think one clear example of this occurs often in the relationship between husband and wife. How many times does the same argument/disagreement occur and you find the immediate solution by agreeing on a short-term solution, but unless you deal with the root of the issue, it will keep coming up, time and time again. I have found that a lot of my disagreements with my hubby are simply the result of miscommunication. It takes us sitting down and discussing how and why things are often misinterpreted to help the situation from continuing to recur.
I don't know if that made any sense and I know it is kind of a weird example, but it made me think a little and hopefully it will mean something to you. If you have a thought on the subject, please let me know. I would love to hear from you!
Monday, August 1, 2011
Summer Sunshine
The kids and I spent the better part of last week with many family members in Nags Head, NC. It was so great to spend time with some people I love but don't get to see very often. While I was there, we had relatives from PA, NC, KY, CA, and FL. What better way to spend time together but in an amazing beach house steps from the ocean, relaxing in the sun, surf and pool, catching up and enjoying each other's company.
My kids loved spending time with their KY cousins who they only see a couple times a year, as well as my cousin's kids from California who they've only met twice. Seeing them play together makes me happy and I wish we could all see each other more often.
We celebrated my Aunt Lorrie's birthday while we were there (a milestone b-day, but I won't mention which one). She is an amazing woman who has always been inspirational to me, but this past year, she has truly become one of my heroes. My uncle is battling a very serious form of cancer right now and though the outlook seems bleak, both of them have had amazing strength through it all. I love that she doesn't pretend she's ok, but lets her emotions show in a way that is so full of faith and love that I am in awe of how God is using both of them through this in ways they never could have imagined. Hearing them say that they know God has a purpose, no matter what the outcome is amazing. Especially since I know they mean it and aren't just saying that like many others do.
They have inspired me to enjoy every day and never forget that God is greater than anything we face. His sacrificial death for us is all the miracle we could ever need. Anything else he chooses to do for us is just icing on the cake!
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Loving Spring in PA
Monday, March 14, 2011
Hello Again
Then last night, there was a moment of meltdown when I told them it was time to take a shower and get ready for bed. 'But it's not time yet!' echoed through the house. I told them that it was 6:30 and if they wanted to watch the TV show they like at 7, they had to get ready now. The oldest burst into tears (as he is often prone to do) and wailed that it couldn't be that late yet as it was still so light outside. I love having the extra daylight, but why do we have to make this so confusing! It messes with adults internal clocks enough. Imagine how those poor kids feel!
On another note, the baby started rolling over last night. She's so cute and I can't believe how quickly she's growing up. All 3 kiddos and I were cuddling on the couch the other night and one of the boys said to me, 'I wish we could stay like this forever!' Part of me wishes that too, but part of me can't wait to see who they become when they get older. But for now, I'll savor the morning snuggles they love so much before heading out to school and relish how much they want me around right now. I'll have to save it up for the time I know is coming all too soon when they don't want hugged and kissed by their mom!!
Monday, February 21, 2011
Back At It Again
On another note, if any of you have never taken the Love Language assessment, I highly encourage you to do so. It can provide some real insight on yourself as well as your spouse and children. My husband and I both took it and I also had both my boys take it as well. The results (especially for the kids) were a little surprising, but it is an awesome tool. It allows you to know how you (and they) best recieve love in one of 5 categories: Acts of Service, Recieving gifts, Quality Time, Physical Touch, or Words of Affirmation. Sometimes what you thought might be the answer could be wrong. I am almost dead even with Words of Affirmation and Acts of Service. This is definitely accurate in my case, and my hubby's was definitely on the money as well! Here is the sight to access the assessment: www.5lovelanguages.com/assessments/love
There is also an assessment for the Language of Apologies. This was also helpful to see how each other best recieves an apology and what feels most sincere to them. Hope you enjoy these tests and that they help you figure out something you didn't know before!
Friday, February 18, 2011
Valentine's Day
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Passion for Others
My husband is probably the person I get upset with the most naturally because we're together the most. Most of our arguments are not over anything of importance and are usually just the result of a miscommunication between us. We just have very differing personalities in the way we talk and like to discuss things in different ways that are not always compatable! We always figure it out and move on quickly though.
Pastor also mentioned some differences between being an extrovert and introvert. In one of my classes, we just had to take a Myer-Brigg's personality test. I have taken this assessment several times over the years, and have always been slightly extroverted, but usually close to the border of introversion. It had probably been at least 5 years or so since I had taken it last and now I am very highly extroverted. I found this change interesting. I'm not sure if it has to do with the fact that as a nurse, you are introducing yourself to new patients everyday and this can be difficult if you're not used to being around people. The other thing that has changed since the last time I took it is that I am now living nearer to people whom I have known for a long time and feel comfortable with. I no longer have to move every couple of years and make new friends each time. This allows me to express my true personality more than I would otherwise.
I'm glad I'm not a person of conflict. I have seen people struggle with family arguments and other difficult situations that I don't know if I could handle well. I sometimes struggle with trying to make everyone happy and not necessarily being able to accomplish that. I'm not a hard person to get along with (at least I hope I'm not), but there are times when it's just not possible to please everyone. This is hard for me to deal with and an area in which I really need to learn to accept that it's sometimes just not going to happen. I pray that I am a blessing to those around me and not a source of strife. To any of you who read this, please know that if there's something I have done to offend you in any way, it wasn't intentional and please let me know about it (gently of course :) so that I can grow. I'm sure there are times I have spoken without thinking (a pitfall of an extroverted personality) and have probably hurt feelings in the process. I hope that's not the case, but I'd love to make things right with anyone who feels that way about something I've said or done! Just send me a facebook msg or email!
If you're interested in taking the MB personality test, follow this link:
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Feeling Frazzled
Anyway, it kind of made me think that maybe I do that spiritually sometimes. Isn't it so easy to let your spiritual life go take a backburner, occupying our time with anything else we can think of. Kind of like I do to my house, and then hurry to try and clean it up when you know someone's going to be looking? I know that I feel that way sometimes. If we'd just keep it presentable all the time, we'd be so much more welcoming and hospitable in both respects. I want that both for my physical home and my spiritual life. Anyone else ever felt that way?
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Return to Leading Worship
That being said, I am really excited to get back into the swing of leading worship again. This will be the first time I've led since our former youth pastor has been gone. She was my second vocalist and I'm going to miss having her sing with me so much. She is following God's plan for her life and I am so proud of her, but I miss her a lot! I have asked a teenager with an incredible voice to join me, so she will be singing with me for the first time and I'm excited to see how that goes. She is a really sweet girl and I'm looking forward to getting to know her more as well.
I'm also looking forward to trying a new song (at least it's new to me). I heard it on the radio a week or so ago and scrambled to find a pen to write it down on my hand so I could look up the chords when I got home. It is a powerful reminder of how great just the name of our Creator is. There is no limit to his love and power. Here's the song if you're interested in checking it out:
Beginning The Journey
As far as who I am and where I'm coming from, I'll address the personal side first. At first glance, I'm a small town girl with a hubby and 3 kiddos. From the outside world, it may look like I've had life pretty easy. However, there are things that I have been through I have simply chosen not to share with the world. I married at a very young age and while my husband was in the military, we spent more days and nights apart then together. We battled things I still choose to keep private and after his discharge, returned to the area where we grew up to raise our family near both sets of parents. We will have been married for 10 years this year and though it hasn't been easy, I wouldn't trade any of it. God has used each occurence in our lives to generate growth in us and we are stronger now then we ever could have been had we not faced each trial. Our children are the joy of our lives. We have 2 boys (ages 7 and 5) and a baby girl not yet 3 months old. They are so much fun and we are so blessed to have been entrusted as their parents. Our oldest officially started elementary school this year and we have begun a new chapter as far as parenting is concerned.
Professionally, I have been a registered nurse for nearing 2 years now. I chose to return to college and nursing school after moving back to the area we grew up in. It wasn't easy completing it with everything else that was going on in our lives, but with the help of our parents to watch the boys, I was able to do so. Truthfully, I didn't just get through it, I excelled in school. I never could have done as well as I did without the support of all those around me. I felt such a great sense of pride when I recieved my diploma, and then when I passed my boards and recieved my license. I worked full time for over a year in 2 different hospitals and really enjoyed it. Halfway through my last pregnancy, I decided that I didn't want to work full time and became only a PRN worker (meaning I just work when they need someone to fill in and can pick and choose most of my own hours). This works great with the boys being in school and having a new baby at home. I'm able to work as much or as little as I want and though it has been a strain financially, being able to take care of my own kids is such a blessing, I wouldn't trade it for anything. I am currently taking classes to continue my education and am fully planning on earning a bachelor's and master's degree in order to expand my oppurtunities. I'm not sure exactly what the end goal is and I continue to debate between earning my Nurse Practitioner's degree, a Nurse Midwife degree, and a teaching degree, so I'm not sure exactly where I'm going to end up. I'm just trusting God for one step at a time.
As far as the Spiritual aspect goes, I have been a church goer all my life. My family attended church at least 1-2 times per week, every week growing up. We attended 2 different penecostal churches and I had a very charismatic upbringing. It wasn't until I was a teenager that I really took my personal relationship with God very seriously and starting pursuing him myself. It was then that I realized the faith of my parent's wasn't enough to save me and I had to have my own relationship with Jesus Christ in order to be saved. Once I did so, allowing God to be in charge has been my biggest struggle. It's so easy to try and direct your life the way you see fit, but God's plan can be so much greater and more rewarding then we could ever imagine. I had no idea where life was going to lead me when I began my journey with God, and I still don't know where he's going to lead, but I'm trusting that he is in charge. I try to listen for his direction and take his lead, being extra careful to not trust my own instincts over his guidance. It's definitely not easy, but I'm working on it.
I hope that this blog will help me to grow spiritually in ways that I wouldn't see otherwise. My plan is to use it as a tool to organize my thoughts on different subjects and that it will help me to learn more about my own thought processes. If anyone choses to read this, I hope that you are able to get something out of it and that somehow, God challenges you to grow spiritually in your own life.