Monday, March 14, 2011

Hello Again

It's been a little while since I wrote anything on here. I guess I just haven't felt like I've had anything interesting to write about. We have had a lot going on with our family and have been keeping plenty busy. This weekend was daylight savings (as you all know) and it's funny how we wake up Sunday morning totally confused about what time it actually is. 'Did I set that clock back already?' 'Is that the real time or the old time?' etc... This seems to be what we're all thinking. I adjusted the clock in the boys room Saturday night when I put them to bed, not realizing it has an automatic adjustment made in the middle of the night. My younger son woke up saying that 'we don't have church in the middle of the night! It's still dark out!' The older one was simply bewildered as his clock in his room now said 8:30, while the clock on the microwave said 6:30, but the real time was 7:30. Talk about confusing!

Then last night, there was a moment of meltdown when I told them it was time to take a shower and get ready for bed. 'But it's not time yet!' echoed through the house. I told them that it was 6:30 and if they wanted to watch the TV show they like at 7, they had to get ready now. The oldest burst into tears (as he is often prone to do) and wailed that it couldn't be that late yet as it was still so light outside. I love having the extra daylight, but why do we have to make this so confusing! It messes with adults internal clocks enough. Imagine how those poor kids feel!

On another note, the baby started rolling over last night. She's so cute and I can't believe how quickly she's growing up. All 3 kiddos and I were cuddling on the couch the other night and one of the boys said to me, 'I wish we could stay like this forever!' Part of me wishes that too, but part of me can't wait to see who they become when they get older. But for now, I'll savor the morning snuggles they love so much before heading out to school and relish how much they want me around right now. I'll have to save it up for the time I know is coming all too soon when they don't want hugged and kissed by their mom!!