Monday, February 21, 2011

Back At It Again

Well, I did finally lead worship again yesterday. It seemed like it went well and baby did just fine without me. I asked for one song to be recorded so that I could send a copy to a family member that I felt really needed to hear the song. When I was listening back to the recording, I felt the attack of the enemy telling me that it did not sound good at all. I started to feel like, why do I do even do this if I sound so bad when I sing (and all the other stuff he tries to throw in our faces sometimes). Now I know that there are others out there who sing better than I do, but I know that God has given me my own gift and that he is using it as he sees fit. As long as I am willing and able, I want to continue to do what he has asked of me. Nothing more, nothing less. I will not allow Satan to tell me I'm not good enough. That's all there is to it.

On another note, if any of you have never taken the Love Language assessment, I highly encourage you to do so. It can provide some real insight on yourself as well as your spouse and children. My husband and I both took it and I also had both my boys take it as well. The results (especially for the kids) were a little surprising, but it is an awesome tool. It allows you to know how you (and they) best recieve love in one of 5 categories: Acts of Service, Recieving gifts, Quality Time, Physical Touch, or Words of Affirmation. Sometimes what you thought might be the answer could be wrong. I am almost dead even with Words of Affirmation and Acts of Service. This is definitely accurate in my case, and my hubby's was definitely on the money as well! Here is the sight to access the assessment:

There is also an assessment for the Language of Apologies. This was also helpful to see how each other best recieves an apology and what feels most sincere to them. Hope you enjoy these tests and that they help you figure out something you didn't know before!

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