Thursday, February 10, 2011

Feeling Frazzled

I worked night shift last night. I had a great night and came home and went to bed around 9:30 this morning. Of course I can't sleep for long stretches during the day due to needing to feed the baby, but I slept on and off again until around 3pm. I got up and did some homework for my classes. My husband came in and said he would make dinner. Of course, I thought...'Great, one less thing I have to do tonight!' Somehow, he ended up inviting 5 people to our house to have dinner as well, which he proceeded to inform me of at 4:30. Dinner was scheduled for 5:30. Now those of you that know me well, know that I have not been blessed with a neat freak gene and most of the time would rather find anything else to occupy my time rather than clean. That being said, since I hadn't been in cleaning mode for about 3 weeks, my house looked horrid and in no shape for visitors, especially one that I barely know. To top it off, I was still in my pajamas and badly in need of a shower. I was a little ticked off at him at first, and let him know it while I was desperately trying to make at least the main rooms of the house presentable. By the time I was done with my shower, I felt better and wasn't mad at him anymore. He just wants more people to try his food when he cooks and I can respect that. Anyway, it ended up that the 5th visitor (the one we don't know very well) didn't come and it was just my parents and his parents. This was doable with no problem. They all know what kind of a housekeeper I am, so I've given up trying to impress them!

Anyway, it kind of made me think that maybe I do that spiritually sometimes. Isn't it so easy to let your spiritual life go take a backburner, occupying our time with anything else we can think of. Kind of like I do to my house, and then hurry to try and clean it up when you know someone's going to be looking? I know that I feel that way sometimes. If we'd just keep it presentable all the time, we'd be so much more welcoming and hospitable in both respects. I want that both for my physical home and my spiritual life. Anyone else ever felt that way?

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