Sunday, February 13, 2011

Passion for Others

We've been doing a series at church recently about having a Passion for one another. I've really been enjoying the sermons on this subject as I am a people person and am always striving to have positive relationships with those around me. I really appreciate pastor's openness about his own personality and relationships and I love that he's not afraid to let us all know he's not perfect. That's a very respectable trait in my book! Today he talked about conflict resolution. I am a person who is always trying to get along with everyone and hates when someone is upset with me. I'm not often involved in an argument with anyone, but when I am, it eats at me until it's resolved.

My husband is probably the person I get upset with the most naturally because we're together the most. Most of our arguments are not over anything of importance and are usually just the result of a miscommunication between us. We just have very differing personalities in the way we talk and like to discuss things in different ways that are not always compatable! We always figure it out and move on quickly though.

Pastor also mentioned some differences between being an extrovert and introvert. In one of my classes, we just had to take a Myer-Brigg's personality test. I have taken this assessment several times over the years, and have always been slightly extroverted, but usually close to the border of introversion. It had probably been at least 5 years or so since I had taken it last and now I am very highly extroverted. I found this change interesting. I'm not sure if it has to do with the fact that as a nurse, you are introducing yourself to new patients everyday and this can be difficult if you're not used to being around people. The other thing that has changed since the last time I took it is that I am now living nearer to people whom I have known for a long time and feel comfortable with. I no longer have to move every couple of years and make new friends each time. This allows me to express my true personality more than I would otherwise.

I'm glad I'm not a person of conflict. I have seen people struggle with family arguments and other difficult situations that I don't know if I could handle well. I sometimes struggle with trying to make everyone happy and not necessarily being able to accomplish that. I'm not a hard person to get along with (at least I hope I'm not), but there are times when it's just not possible to please everyone. This is hard for me to deal with and an area in which I really need to learn to accept that it's sometimes just not going to happen. I pray that I am a blessing to those around me and not a source of strife. To any of you who read this, please know that if there's something I have done to offend you in any way, it wasn't intentional and please let me know about it (gently of course :) so that I can grow. I'm sure there are times I have spoken without thinking (a pitfall of an extroverted personality) and have probably hurt feelings in the process. I hope that's not the case, but I'd love to make things right with anyone who feels that way about something I've said or done! Just send me a facebook msg or email!

If you're interested in taking the MB personality test, follow this link:

1 comment:

Beth Wilkins said...

Love your blog, Charity. Have you been "reading my mail"? You write what I am feeling about wanting to foster positive relationships with others and being concerned that somehow I may have offended someone. I rehash conversations and social interactions to determine whether or not I may have said something or the way I said it may have hurt someones' feelings. Don and I have our "moments" too. This morning it dawned on me that on the "slippery slope" I am a puller and Don is a pusher. Good grief, that sounds like Don is a drug lord! LOL Anyway, keep the blog going. It's my priviledge to have watched you grow from a little girl, through your maturing teen years seeking God and now as a young wife and mom and especially as a fellow worshipper. You enrich my life and challenge me in my walk with the Lord. God bless you.